Arburg presents precise high-speed product and digitalisation solution
Arburg presents precise high-speed product and digitalization solution
By postponing the Industry Fair until 5-8 April 2022, the fair in Celje, Slovenia, says it expects a significant increase in interest from trade visitors from all over south-eastern Europe after a break of almost two years due to the pandemic. The Industry Fair has established itself as the largest and most important trade fair in the fields of mechanical engineering and mould construction, welding and cutting, materials and advanced technologies, robotics, and automation. Arburg will be represented with the hybrid high-performance Hidrive series in Hall K (Stand 31). An Allrounder 520 H produces 32 pipette tips in a cycle time of around six seconds.
Steffen Eppler, Divisional Manager Sales Europe, appreciates the importance of Celje as a gateway to south-eastern Europe: “The entire region benefits from pioneering European companies in the field of injection moulding, which continue to transfer technology to the respective countries. And for these markets, we offer a comprehensive product range.” More than 700 exhibitors from up to 30 countries will be attending, as well as visitors from around 15 countries.
“With our Allrounders and the short cycle times that can be achieved with them, we have our eye on the needs of producers in the medical technology field in particular, but also of component manufacturers, for example, in the automotive and household appliance sectors. Accordingly, we are also particularly well-positioned in applications where extremely precise injection moulding, excellent technical support, and aftersales expertise are required.”
High-speed product: 19,200 moulded parts per hour
At the Industry Fair 2022, a hybrid Allrounder 520 H with a clamping force of 1,500 kN will demonstrate the efficient, high-quality production of pipette tips from PP. The hybrid high-performance machines of the Hidrive series are already optimized for rapid series production as standard and are thus also excellently suited for bulk items such as those used in the medical technology sector. The Allrounders combine electric speed and precision on the clamping side with hydraulic power and dynamics during the injection.
The exhibit is equipped with a 32-cavity mould from Zahoransky, a long-standing Arburg customer, and is prepared for use in clean rooms. The cycle time is around six seconds, which corresponds to a throughput of approximately 19,200 moulded parts per hour.
The trade fair exhibit is thus perfectly geared to the needs of medical technology – speed, precision, and high performance. “Especially in the current times, personal care, and the medical and pharmaceutical industries are of particular interest, and not only to us,” Eppler says, summarising the significance of the high-performance application on display.
Digitalization: arburgXworld customer portal demonstration
At the Arburg stand, visitors to the Industry Fair will see for themselves how digitalization can succeed in modern injection moulding companies. A demo version of the “arburgXworld” customer portal will be on hand for live testing. Among other things, up-to-date online information on the machine fleet can be accessed from anywhere, whether at the workplace or on the move.
Faults can be remedied around the clock using various apps. And spare parts can also be conveniently ordered directly online 24/7. In addition, calculation tools and knowledge bases are available in various packages for individual compilation. This makes work as easy as possible in many areas of the company.